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Let’s Talk Interiors

Writer's picture: AlexisAlexis

How important is following trends and should you be more interested in getting the mood right when it comes to helping you unlock the potential of your property?

When embarking on an interior design project, you might think this means starting with your favourite colour or fabric pattern, and you’d be right in thinking those are important, but you should begin with asking yourself: ‘how do you want your space to feel?’

Understanding what you are trying to achieve from your space, whether that is in your home or a commercial property, is so important. It defines what the space should be, how it should behave, which in turn informs how it should be decorated.

If you are looking around your home or commercial property and thinking ‘I like it, but...’ the chances are it is the feeling that is off, and this will have dictated how you decorated the space. It may also have led you to making purchases based on the trends at the time. Or maybe it was something you’d seen in a shop or on Pinterest and thought ‘it will do’, and simply bought online in an advert break because it had next day delivery. The question to ask yourself is: ‘is it still doing what you intended it to do?’

If it isn’t and you thought that it was Zoom fatigue or cancelled holidays that were getting you down, it may be your home making you feel the way you do, with these other elements posing contributing but distracting factors.

As an interior designer, I am often asked about trends and my response to this is that being aware of what is on-point is one thing, but using it as the basis for your designs, in my opinion, isn’t the way to go. You run the risk of ending up with something that will need updating sooner than you may have planned or budgeted for. It is also unlikely to be a true reflection of you. Taste is often a combination of different design styles, so buying a trendy piece of furniture could well complement your existing pieces, and buying a complete room set from a retailer will give you a stunning room without a doubt, but what if your friends do the same? Do you all want to look like page 123?

Think about designing your interior as layers, asking what function the space needs to perform, before adding into the mix the colours, textures, materials and design periods you are drawn towards. It is also worth noting what you are not drawn towards. By going through this process, you are identifying your sense of style and allowing the feeling to translate into what you are trying to achieve. It is not about going with what is perceived to be trendy, it is about creating something unique that resonates with you on a deeper level than looks alone.

Once you have identified your style, the next stage is to look at your belongings. Everything you own should have a purpose – be that functional or aesthetic. Owning stuff that doesn’t have a logical home and just hangs about waiting to be used doesn’t create a calming space. Systematically sorting through your possessions room by room will help reinforce your tastes, identify what work needs to be done and inform any purchases you need to create the right vibe.

Consideration also needs to be given to how spaces are defined and zoned, especially if it is open plan and now has to accommodate other functions, such as a home office, which was not required when the space was initially created.

With clients, I’m always quick to mention budget, lighting, focal points, engaging professionals early on to prevent delays and disappointment, creating the mood and tone for the space and insurance. In addition, making sure you have the time and energy to dedicate to the project is crucial. Motivation, or a lack thereof, can undo a project as quickly as a lack of budget and time.

In summary, there is a lot to consider when making your property work for you and I hope this has given you food for thought, and even the confidence to bring out your personality. If it has made you think that work needs doing but you need some help, then I would encourage you to speak to a professional. They will not only get you the results you need, they will also make it an enjoyable experience.

Here are my top five tips to help you transform your interiors...

1. Look inwards

Your home should reflect you and your family. It should be everything you want to say about you without uttering a word.

2. Look at your stuff

Make sure everything you own has a purpose.

3. Clearly defined zones

Every area of your home should have clearly defined functions.

4. Don’t be afraid to mix and match

Elements don’t have to come from the same design era. Contemporary pieces in a more period setting can still look cohesive. Similarly, a vintage piece in a contemporary home will help create a more lived in feel.

5. Be brave

Work out ways to bring out your personality but also know when to ask for help.

If you have any design questions or would like any help with your project then please get in touch


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